CNU's Office of Communications and Public Relations
Between September 2017 and August 2019, I was a Video Assistant for Christopher Newport University's Office of Communications and Public Relations. I worked on several projects that ranged from shooting concerts, lectures, marketing material, conferences, and B-roll to setting up cameras, microphones, and lighting to assist the Head Videographer to directing, shooting, and editing projects.
Listed from oldest to most recent. Live performances at the end.
One of the primary interns to help direct, film, and edit this video in just a week and a half. Filmed on Panasonic and edited on Adobe Premiere Pro.
I helped film this video in collaboration with the CNU Department of Music for CNU's annual giving day.
I helped edit this video in collaboration with interns from the CNU Study Abroad Office for CNU's annual giving day.
I helped with camera setup and filming for parts of this video for CNU's Faculty Staff Fundraiser Campaign.
I helped with camera, audio, and lighting setup, as well as filming and editing for all three videos in the #ThatsNotLove series.
I assisted with filming the 2018 Family Weekend Music Showcase.
I assisted with filming the Fifth Annual CNU Honors Wind Ensemble Concert.